Pentair 42001-0051S

Pentair 42001-0051S




Before plugging in your space heater, make sure you know how to use it safely. Never place a space heater where a child or pet could accidentally knock it over. If you live in a low-lying area, know where low-water crossings might make travel to safety more difficult and plan routes that avoid these areas. Make other arrangements for your pets safety. Beware of fire hazards as you prepare your vehicle to leave. Exercise fire safety when youre at a temporary location. Informing the Office of Residential Life and Housing Services staff and / or Public Safety Officers about behavior that is disrespectful to community as well as situations that infringe on the safety of the community. Campus safety tips can be found on the NYU Public Safety page. Clogged chimneys, malfunctioning stoves, water heaters, space heaters, as well as auto, boat and airplane exhaust releases carbon monoxide into the air that you breathe. If you use an unvented natural gas, propane, or kerosene space heater, all the products of combustion, including water vapor, are exhausted directly into your living space.


Figure 1 shows which building spaces should be insulated. You plan to finish unfinished space (like a basement or bonus room). Eliminating the Hazards of Cross Contamination Webcast Summary. After 9 years renting space and selling our products, we were able to open our own restaurant. Separate, dual compartments with heaters on one or both doors maximize food quality and menu flexibility. Space heaters damage building electrical systems and pose a safety hazard. The use of space heaters by occupants is prohibited unless authorized or provided by FM. Policy on Lighting Levels. Thousands of consumers were treated for injuries related to holiday decorating and many lost their homes to fire caused by faulty electrical decorations, candles and space heaters. If you have an emergency heating source such as a fireplace or space heater, make sure you have proper ventilation. Turn Around Dont Drown(tm) is a NOAA National Weather Service campaign to warn people of the hazards of walking or driving a vehicle through flood waters). Be sure to allow for plenty of clearance space (most fire professionals suggest a three-foot zone) around the heater, and keep hazards that can easily burn - such as curtains or newspaper - far away.


Use space heaters only when you are awake. When using ALTERNATIVE HEAT from a fireplace, wood stove, space heater, etc. Even small accumulations of ice may cause extreme hazards to motorists and pedestrians. However, it can accumulate like snow and cause a hazard to motorists. Even small accumulations of ice can cause a significant hazard. When lighting a gas space heater, strike your match first, then turn on the gas. Never use a gas range as a substitute for a furnace or space heater. When buying heaters, look for devices with automatic shutoff features. Use only safe sources of alternative heat such as a fireplace, small well-vented wood or coal stove or portable space heaters. Monitor Pilot Lights of Burners and Heaters in Areas Without Power. Mayor Healy and OEM officials urged residents to monitor pilot lights on gas burning furnaces and or heaters in their homes or to turn gas feeds off until power is restored. Keep combustible materials, including furniture, drapes, and carpeting at least three feet away from the heat source NEVER drape clothes over a space heater to dry. Never leave children alone in the room where a space heater is running.


Dont leave newspapers near space heaters or other heat sources, and dont smoke in bed, or anywhere in your house, for that matter. Study each escape route for potential hazards such as sticky window, security bars that require tools to open, or heavy furniture, and adjust these routes accordingly. Many potential fire hazards go undetected because people do not take proper steps to insure the safety of their homes. Take extra care when using portable heaters. Keep bedding, clothes, curtains and other combustible items at least three feet away from space heaters. State Fire Marshal and Department on Aging highlight senior safety and support programs on Grandparents Day OSFMs Grandparents Fire and Fall Safety Campaign focuses on senior citizen safety, Aging reminds families about states Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program. Young readers will learn the importance of smoke alarms, fireplace and candle safety, cooking safety, safe storage of lighters and matches, BBQ grill safety, family escape plans, visible house numbers, and the 911 emergency phone number. Information on terrorism and public health. Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In addition to needing to be kept out of sight, electrical cords need to be kept out from underfoot (to prevent tripping), and they should be kept in good condition so they dont become fire hazards.


Make sure there is no crimping or pressure on cords, and dont force them into small spaces or behind furniture. Contrary to popular belief, every workplace and living space has potential hazards, and many hazards are caused by very ordinary items commonly found in most offices and residential spaces. Portable space heaters can pose a major fire hazard if used improperly. The most effective way to protect yourself and your home from fire is to identify and remove fire hazards 65 percent of home fire s occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. Keep items that can catch on fire at least three feet away from anything that gets hot, such as space heaters. For more information on fire safety including emergency lighting, fire blankets and other fire safety equipment for your home or business, please visit Discount Fire Supplies. While children can be lots of fun, they dont have the developed reasoning and safety skills of an . Be sure to always keep enclosed spaces well ventilated as a precautionary measure, and never operate a charcoal grill or light a fireplace in an enclosed, poorly ventilated space. Compressed gas cylinders can present a variety of hazards due to their pressure and / or contents. However, they do not guarantee the safety of an individual or a structure.


The State of California, the Seismic Safety Commission, the ECA and all contributors to this document do not assume liability for any injury, , property damage, loss of revenue, or any other effect of an earthquake. Most fires are unexpected because theyre caused by the most ordinary, everyday items that you normally consider safe: a stove burner, a candle, an electric space heater, the water heater, an extension cord, a cigarette. Establish a designated space heater zone in rooms where space heaters are used. Safe Kids USA has 600 grassroots coalitions across the United States dedicated to educating families and implementing programs on child passenger safety, home safety, water safety, bike safety, fire prevention and more. Plug an electric space heater into an outlet with enough capacity. Small amounts of ice can cause extreme hazards to motorists and pedestrians. If you lose power during a storm, use space heaters, a fireplace or a wood stove to keep warm. Prolonged exposure to extreme cold may cause frostbite or hypothermia which could be life threatening, especially to infants and elderly people. Nondrinking water is not monitored for bacteriological and chemical quality or safety as is drinking water. Consequently, certain safety precautions must be observed to prevent the contamination of food, drinking water, or food-contact surfaces by nondrinking water.


Injuries can occur anywhere and some often occur around the holidays. COZY personal heaters use a fraction of the energy of a typical space heater - while keeping you perfectly comfortable. The low-wattage feature prevents circuit overload, the risk of fire, as well as other safety hazards commonly associated with traditional space heaters. Typical space heaters use 1500-2500 watts. Safety Lock all windows and doors when you leave. Do not use candles in the cabin or put anything near the electric baseboard heaters and stoves. Parking Each cabin has one assigned parking space. Parking is limited to 1 vehicle that must park in Office Parking space. The chief of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and her predecessor have taken dozens of trips at the expense of the toy, appliance and childrens furniture industries and others they regulate, according to internal records obtained by The Washington Post. Teach children about fire safety and the hazards of matches and fireworks.


These are frequently the result of fires, automobile accidents, playing with matches, improperly stored gasoline, space heaters, and electrical malfunctions. In addition to the manufacturers installation and operating instructions, you should follow these general safety guidelines for operating any combustion space heater. And while these seemingly harmless devices may be an efficient way to heat a cold or drafty space, they can pose certain safety hazards when used incorrectly. Due to the safety hazards associated with space heaters, all heaters are prohibited in campus housing. Heating and cooking appliances with exposed elements (including hot plates and space heaters) may not be used because of potential fire hazards.


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